Meet the Owners!

Creatures of XIX Owners

Hello Creatures, Harriet here! It is about time we wrote a blog so you can get to know myself and Melissa (and we can try to look really smart and funny along the way). 

I thought the best way to do this would be to tell you about how we met each other, the last 6 months of our lives, and maybe something deeply personal like our favourite colour.

We met at University in the Pole Dance society, Melissa was the year above me. The first time we went out drinking, I…. actually I’ll let her tell you what happened (see the end of this blog). Over the next few years we trained together, drank together, cried pathetically once or twice and organised a few events. The best event we held we took inspiration from Miss Pole Dance Australia and transformed the Pole Dance Society Showcase from ‘here’s a beginner, here’s an intermediate’ to an entertaining show with an opening number, snakes and a whole lot of money raised (at least double previous years). That year really solidified our friendship.

Creatures of XIX Owners

The past six months have seen a lot of change, with both of us going from corporate jobs to working on Creatures of XIX full time. I’ve moved back from Australia to the UK, and for once we are working together in the same time zone! We finish each others sentences, and are becoming more like a married couple by the day. We regularly do stupid things after a few drinks, film it and plan to put it up online but are advised by our closest friends not to make fools of ourselves. Who knows, maybe we will start ignoring them.

Oh and by the way, Melissa doesn't realise I’m writing this now, and I just asked her favourite colour. A wine red. I think that actually sums us up quite well.

Harriet Wolf X

As promised, Melissa’s tale of our first night out: 

Anyone who knows Harriet, knows she is a wild child. Our first night out together was a pole dance society night out. Myself, as second in command of the society, was determined to make a good role model for the freshers joining us, sensible drinking and moderate dance moves ensued. Harriet on the other hand clearly had other plans… Bar to bar we hopped, eventually landing in Players. Vodka Redbulls all around, a lovely two step in motion, and Christina Aguilera ‘Dirty’ comes on… Harriet, as if possessed by the goddess of body rolls, throws her hands in the air, and begins the dirtiest dancing Players as ever seen. Fixated, we all stare at Harriet as she proceeds to grind her hips, whip her hair and, as if rehearsed, rips open her blouse to ‘gonna get a little unruly’. Needless to say, she hadn’t just captured us as an audience, but the DJ too. Enthused by the blondes wild dancing, the DJ hollered into his mic his approval, awarding Harriet a bottle of Champagne. Yes, I know what you are thinking, ‘Fabulous! Free drinks!’, but no, this is Harriet. Claiming her free bottle, Harriet, like she has won an F1 championship, proceeds to shake the bottle, pop the cork, and spray it all down her front. Welcome Harriet. 

To find out what Creatures of XIX Harriet and Melissa are, and to check out the other Creatures announced, click here

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