At Creatures of XIX, we decided that pole wear shouldn't just be restricted to the studio or even the beach, and that you should be able to proudly sport your beloved pole wear where ever you go - but maybe you need a little inspiration to get you started? Well who would we be if we didn't give you a helping hand?

5 ways to wear ISIS

1. We're going to start off really simple and casual. Maybe you're just popping across the road to the corner shop because you're really just craving some delicious frozen pizza but wait - what if you bump in to your ex - or even worse, a new potential boo? ISIS has you covered. Throw the top on with some cycling shorts and a belt and you're good to go. Who knew comfy casual could look so good?

isis top 5 ways to wear cycling shorts comfy casual five belt
isis top 5 ways to wear cycling shorts comfy casual five belt
isis top 5 ways to wear cycling shorts comfy casual five belt
2. Let's step it up one. Having a relaxing day shopping by yourself? You want to look put together but hun, makeup is effort on a good day and you're all about rocking the natural girl next door look at the moment. Throw a pair of ripped mom jeans on with a simple, classic belt and you're ready to hit the shops looking chic and sassy.

mom jeans mum isis 5 ways to wear five creatures of xix creaturesofxix belt top
mom jeans mum isis 5 ways to wear five creatures of xix creaturesofxix belt top
mom jeans mum isis 5 ways to wear five creatures of xix creaturesofxix belt top
3. So, you have a day date (lucky you, we're all very jealous) and you don't know how you want to come across, it's the age old question of how do you look cool yet still ready to tackle the miles of walking potentially ahead of you? With a co-ord set. That's how. EVERYONE looks put together in a co-ord. I went for denim because this girl’s all about the double denim life but you do you boo!

double denim isis 5 ways to wear five creatures of xix creaturesofxix belt top
double denim isis 5 ways to wear five creatures of xix creaturesofxix belt top
P.S shoutout to Rajah the cat for popping in to say hi

double denim isis 5 ways to wear five creatures of xix creaturesofxix belt top
4. Tonight you’re going out for drinks with the girls and you know what, you're feeling a little sophisticated (I know it's hard to believe with me but hang on). Pair your top with a pristine pair of white trousers and a simple belt and all eyes will be on you tonight.

white trousers night out flares isis 5 ways to wear five creatures of xix creaturesofxix belt top
white trousers night out flares isis 5 ways to wear five creatures of xix creaturesofxix belt top
white trousers night out flares isis 5 ways to wear five creatures of xix creaturesofxix belt top
5. For all you lucky lucky people away in a sunny country for a holiday, festival or just a beach day - this is how you can make your set look just a little bit more extra. Pair your set with a mesh oversized tee tucked into the band of your ISIS top and just whack that belt along your waistband and - BAM - it’s almost a new outfit entirely. Not as daring? Knocking about the city not the beach? You can always add some shorts to this look!

swimwear bikini beach wear swim isis 5 ways to wear five creatures of xix creaturesofxix belt top
swimwear bikini beach wear swim isis 5 ways to wear five creatures of xix creaturesofxix belt top
swimwear bikini beach wear swim isis 5 ways to wear five creatures of xix creaturesofxix belt top
swimwear bikini beach wear swim isis 5 ways to wear five creatures of xix creaturesofxix belt top
Also bonus booty pic because we all gotta show ourselves some love ;)

There you have it! I hope that this inspires someone out there to start wearing their ISIS sets outside of the studio! At the end of the day, you look too far damn good not to.

Comment ways you have worn your outfit, and if you enjoyed this blog we'd love you to share! 


This Blog was written by Jennifer Betts - The Octopus of XIX. Jennifer is a model, tattoo enthusiast and our in house content writer and social media guru.

Jennifer began her fitness journey at the gym, and also has a love for Pole Dancing.

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