What is the FoxBox?
Creatures of XIX brings to you the Premium Pole Dance Subscription Box that you'll love. Delivered to Your Door Four Times a Year, FoxBox comes bursting with Apparel & Accessories / Goodies / Samples to elevate your pole training to the next level and bring you that new polewear feeling!
Items are made to order, and this means great value for you! The new cost of the Box is £69, and the overall value exceeded £100 in our last box!
What was in FoxBox 5?
✖️Un-Tamed Black Tee
✖️LA Lilac Bottoms
✖️LA Lilac Top
✖️Pole Dance Choreography Cards
✖️XIX & Pole Dancer Stickers
Sign Ups open for a limited time for Box 6...⏰

Goodie 1: Un-Tamed Tee
Are you the type of person to have a fling with walking on the wild side?? Are you the type of person who buys the newest iPhone and then laughs in the face of insurance?? Are you the type of person who recklessly takes their iPad into the bathtub to watch The Notebook whilst you caress your large glass of rose wine?? Did you relate to any of those? Then you're UN-TAMED just like us.
Goodie 2: LA Lilac Top
To be honest this set makes me a little speechless. The soft, slinky material, the gorgeous plunge neckline which just give you little glimpses of cleavage, the halter neck fit which does WONDERS for your dainty décolletage, and don't even get me started on the gorgeous lilac hue. Having been to LA once and therefore now being an expert on all things LA, this set couldn't be more fitting to the City of Angels.
Goodie 3: LA Lilac Bottoms
Again, these shorts are GORGEOUS. The high waisted fit sucks you right in so you can eat all the mince pies during the festive holidays and not show it whilst flinging yourself around a pole (however I would suggest waiting a couple of hours between the two activities for your internal organs sake). And the BOOTY. They give you that perfect lil peach and elongate your legs and I don't know what more you could ask for in a pair of shorts. Just. Perfection.
Goodie 4: Pole Dance Choreography Cards
This beautifully designed creative resource pack contains everything you need to begin your creative journey in pole dance. All choreography cards have been manufactured to the highest quality, offering optimum durability as you work with them inside and outside of the studio.
The packet contains cards with visually inspiring images and textually stimulating choreographic tasks. All tasks are really easy to follow and have been tried and tested by pole dancers at beginner, advanced and professional level.
Goodie 5: Creatures of XIX & Pole Dancer Stickers!
Want to show the world your love of pole whilst you're out and about doing your daily thang? This is the most perfect and most adorable way of doing it. Stick these bad boys wherever takes your fancy, whether it be on your laptop, your notebook, your car, hell, even your skateboard (do people still do that idek). Show the world that sure, by day you work in an office 9-5 and sit next to Sandra who just talks about how disgusting it was that she had to wait in a queue for 25 minutes to get served at a till during Christmas peak but by night - WOAH NELLY - you've got a creature on the prowl.
Subscriptions are open now for a Limited Time and at a now reduced price! Don't get FOMO, sign up to treat yourself quarterly ;)
Still got questions on FoxBox? Check out our FAQ here.
This Blog was written by Jennifer Betts - The Octopus of XIX. Jennifer is a model, tattoo enthusiast and our in house content writer and social media guru.
Jennifer began her fitness journey at the gym, and has a love for Pole Dancing and Cats.
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